Trust and Results- We are Tohto Suisan of the Toyosu Market.

Investor Relations

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To Our Stockholders and Investors

Through the realization of our Management Philosophy as noted below, and in order to maximize the corporate value of our company over the long term, we will consider ways to ensure the transparency of management and how to maintain a good relationship with stakeholders, such as shareholders, with a sense of ethics and commitment, and aim to pursue the best course of action as the basic philosophy of corporate governance. Therefore, we will disclose information appropriately in accordance with laws and proactively communicate important information about the management of the company in addition to that which is disclosed as required by law, regardless of whether the information is positive or negative, in a timely and appropriate manner.

Management Philosophy

  • The Company set the improvement of consumer satisfaction with our primary goal of the consumption of fish being a rich and appealing dietary habit for consumers as our social mission and raison d’etre (mission). Based on this, we aim to become a distributor of marine products that provides a higher level of service (vision).
  • To realize our vision, the Company will maintain and develop the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market, a traditional and highly reliable market, while also creating new distribution markets that are innovative with a bright future in line with the changing times.
  • The Company maintains a balance between taking on the challenges of new business and appropriately controlling risk to uphold being interested in change, having a wide perspective, and mastering freshness and the best seasons as our action guidelines (value) in order to achieve continuous growth. While following these action guidelines, we will achieve fair and transparent organizational management based on a superior sense of ethics and work to fulfill our social responsibility.


Consolidated Financial Results

For the year ended March 31,2024
For the nine-months period ended December 31,2023
For the six-months period ended September 30,2023pdficon
For the three-months period ended june 30,2023
For the year ended March 31,2023
For the nine-months period ended December 31,2022
For the six-months period ended September 30,2022pdficon
For the three-months period ended june 30,2022pdficon
For the year ended March 31,2022pdficon
For the nine-months period ended December 31,2021pdficon
For the six-months period ended September 30,2021pdficon
For the three-months period ended june 30,2021pdficon
For the year ended March 31,2021pdficon
For the nine-months period ended December 31,2020pdficon
For the six-months period ended September 30,2020pdficon
For the three-months period ended june 30,2020pdficon
For the year ended March 31,2020pdficon
For the nine-months period ended December 31,2019pdficon
For the six-months period ended September 30,2019pdficon
For the three-months period ended june 30,2019pdficon
For the year ended March 31,2019pdficon
For the nine-months period ended December 31,2018pdficon
For the six-months period ended September 30,2018pdficon
For the three-months period ended june 30,2018pdficon
For the year ended March 31,2018pdficon
For the nine-months period ended December 31,2017pdficon
For the six-months period ended September 30,2017pdficon
For the three-months period ended june 30,2017pdficon
For the year ended March 31,2017pdficon
For the nine-months period ended December 31, 2016pdficon
For the six-months period ended September 30, 2016
For the three-months period ended June 30, 2016


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